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【 PR TIMES 】4月1日は、April DreamにCupolaが参加させて頂きました🌸

[PR TIMES] On April 1st, Cupola participated in April Dream🌸

Communicate the dreams you want to achieve,
The day when the whole of Japan is filled with dreams
April 1st marks the start of a new season and a new fiscal year.
What I want to do when I enter nursery school or school
Decisions about becoming a working adult, business plans,
There are also things I'd like to try in the place I move to.
If you think about it, it's a dream that everyone wants to come true.
If you express your dreams, there will be people who will support you.
This year, the Yamanote Line, stations across the country, event venues,
Dreams bloom in many places, including commercial facilities.

Cupola release article

🌸Cupola's Dream
Thank you for posting this 🌸

(Posted in order of time)
#Asahi Shimbun Digital Magazine
#Toyo Keizai Online
#Nihon Keizai Shimbun
#Sankei Newspaper
#Otakuma Economic Newspaper
#btob platform industry channel
#Urepia Research Institute

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